July 27, 2011

Man Head 01

Going to perhaps start a trend of making heads... Though I do need to work on developing a final character for thesis, so that will probably be something I focus on. Though I can't show that off until its into production!!!

Elephant Head

I might go back and add texture to this... Right now its just the framework that could use a lot more detail, but I'm not sure my comp could handle whats needed to get the leathery skin down...

Head on over to my Vimeo to check out the making of, and other things I've been up to!

Giraffe Head


Check out the making of on my vimeo

Goblin Head Sculpt

A quick sculpt tonight.

Check out the step by step of the sculpting process on my vimeo

July 21, 2011

Woman With Hair Sculpt

Hah just playing around with how hair might be sculpted in Zbrush... Need to actually study hair to understand it I think!

Dragon Head Sculpt

Some summer sculpting... Working a lot on getting texture into my models. Working on building up my modeling portfolio before school starts. Also getting a more firm footing when it comes to zbrush as a whole.

Refining some of my other sculpts, hoping to post some stuff later this week.